Tuesday, February 04, 2003

I just got an email from a reader who is scratching his head at his boss, who represents a big corporation and supports tort limitations, calling him/herself a trial lawyer. It reminded me of a thought I've had for quite some time. The insurance defense lawyers should really be opposing vociferously tort limitations. Why? Because they NEED us!

As a plaintiff's lawyer, I get my clients from word of mouth or advertising/marketing. Insurance defense lawyers have deals with carriers, and are referred matters for defense, usually once suit has been filed. If the sought-after consequence of tort limitation is to reduce the number of lawsuits filed, then defense lawyers will get fewer cases, make less revenue, and generally be less happy campers. It's really a Yin and Yang for them; without plaintiff's lawyers -- and the cases they file suit on -- defense lawyers are out of business. So, insurance defense guys and gals of the world, flock to our banner! The banner of righteousness!! [ahem, sorry about that; got a little wound up; won't happen again....]

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